//ID,Name,Name,Type,Price,Sell,Weight,ATK,DEF,Range,Slot,Job,Gender,Loc,wLV,eLV,Refineable,View,{UseScript},{EquipScript} //Type: 0 Healing, 2: Usable, 3: Misc, 4: Weapon, 5: Armor, 6: Card, 7: egg, //8: petequip, 10: arrow, 11: Usable with delayed consumption (all items with //script "pet" or "itemskill": Lures, Scrolls, Magnifier, Yggdrasil Leaf) //Elements: 0 Nothing, 1 Water, 2 Earth ,3 Fire, 4 Wind, 5 Poison, 6 Saint, 7 Darkness, 8 Sense, 9 Immortality // Custom Items go here //============================================================= 0,DEFAULT,Default,0,20,,10,,,,,0,2,0,0,,,,{},{}